Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ward Choir Pick-Me-Up

After having several weeks of marginal numbers at ward choir rehearsal (think 7-8 people at a rehearsal-- that's not even a double quartet! Ouch!) we had a reasonable turnout last week and a really good turnout today. It's amazing how much more cheerful my whole Sunday is when people actually show up for choir and seem to enjoy it. Instead of dreading choir and wondering why I spend so much time on it when nobody even bothers to show up and it's just one more thing on people's schedules that they wish they could get out of, it was fun. We had people come, we practiced, we started sounding good... oh yeah, this is why I actually enjoy doing this job.

Now I am much more encouraged... maybe we will get past just begging people to come and having different people every week. And now planning Christmas music is much more happy... I'm not thinking, "Hmmmm... what can I do when I have different people each week and only 8 people at a time." =]


Kathy said...

You are such a great choir leader person- more people need to support you. Maybe they think they can't sing and don't want to waste their time and yours.

Emily said...

I'm glad Patrick came...if you need me, I can carry a tune...I'm a saprano, but can't hit the really high notes....

Rebecca said...

Yay! I feel your joy!